There is more than one way to keep your home secure, and that means you don’t necessarily have to go out and purchase an expensive home security system to protect your household around-the-clock. There are some very simple steps you can take which are both innovative and effective, and help to keep burglars away from your home.
Empty your mailbox
A stuffed mailbox is a sure sign to a burglar that no one is at home, and that no one has probably been home for several days. Any criminal-minded person who is observing your premises will notice that mail is accumulating in your box, which probably means no one is at home to retrieve it. If you leave home for several days, make sure to have the mail stopped, so that it doesn’t become an invitation to burglars.
Attach security system decals
Burglars prefer to target those homes which appear to be relatively vulnerable, rather than those which seem to be at least somewhat protected. By attaching decals at obvious places on your house exterior, you can make it clear to would-be burglars that your home is protected by an electronic security system. Even if it isn’t.
Install home automation lighting
It’s very easy to set up smart lightbulbs which face the street in front of your home, and give the impression that someone is always at home. You can make this even more effective by setting up a random schedule between several smart bulbs, so that all times of day are covered.
Keep shrubbery trimmed back
When you have tall or overgrown foliage around your home, it provides built-in cover for burglars to operate. By keeping tree limbs away from windows, and shrubs trimmed to a lower height, you’ll have a clear line of sight to any activity going on between your home and the street curb.
Use sensor lighting
Sensor lights are great for detecting motion around your premises. If a burglar happens to be outside and motion is detected, the lights will come on and expose the criminal at work. Without any intervention from yourself, the would-be burglar will be scared away.
Keep doors and windows locked
At the risk of stating the obvious, make sure all your doors and windows are locked at night, and when you’re away from home. You’d be surprised how many times burglars gain access to a home through an unlocked door or window.
Install security cameras
The cost of security cameras has come down immensely in the last few years, so that you can get a good system relatively cheaply. You can also hook some of these into your smartphone, so that you can monitor the premises even while you’re away from home.
Don’t make your plans public
Whenever you’re planning a family vacation, or even going out to dinner for the evening, don’t announce your intentions on Facebook or somewhere else. Some clever criminals constantly scan for such announcements, and pounce on the opportunities.
Try window stops
Window stops are mechanisms which prevent your windows from being opened up any more than about 6 inches. While that is perfect for providing circulation to the interior, it won’t be wide enough for even a small-sized burglar to slip through.
Coordinate with your neighbors
It’s a good idea to make some kind of arrangement with neighbors on both sides of your home to set up a mutual protection network. While they’re away, you can keep an eye on their homes, and when you’re away, they can do the same for you. Having more eyes on the premises is a good way of preventing potential criminal activity.