There’s one tip to keeping your home safe that you might have overlooked.
Change the locks.
Yup, it’s that simple and you’ve probably never thought of it.
When we think about home safety we think of alarms, security lights, motion sensors and other high-tech gadgets. But, we don’t think about the piece of security we carry around in our pockets. Our house keys.
Since 36% of unlawful entry occurs when a door has been left open or unlocked, locking the front door is a HUGE step toward keeping your home safe.
But, this important measure begins to lose its effectiveness when we forget to realize all the factors that could lead to a faulty door lock.
So, here’s the lowdown on the state of your lockdown.
When to Change the Locks:
After a Breakup:
Even if you’re not experiencing a crazy ex, it’s still a good idea. They may have had a key and lost it. They may have given a spare to someone. They may turn crazy and decide they have to get back in the house and get the t-shirt you decided to keep. Either way, whenever someone that was once living in the house moves out, it’s smart to change the locks. This includes roommates.
When You Move:
During the sale of a home, any number of people may have had a copy of your key. While realtors take every measure to ensure the safety of your home, changing the locks will ensure that no previous residence can make a surprise appearance.
Also, when you move, don’t forget the garage. It’s a good idea to change either the code or the mechanism that opens and closes the door.
If You Lose a Key:
When we lose a key, the first thing we do is make a copy. We replace the key. But, not often the lock. While it’s not likely that whoever finds the key will be able to trace it back to your home, you never know. Better safe than sorry. Change the lock.
When They Get Old:
If you’ve been living in your house for a long time without any breakups or move outs or lost keys, you should probably still change your locks eventually. They get old and wear down just like any piece of hardware. Also, the longer you’ve been in your house, the more keys you’ve probably handed out and who knows where they’ve ended up.
How To Change The Locks:
While do-it-yourself methods are always an option, this might be something you want to leave to the professionals. If you have the know-how, go for it. But, the important thing is to make sure it’s done right. While you can call a locksmith, stores like Home Depot also offer the service.
Have a Backup Plan:
While you should definitely make sure your locks are working properly, there are other methods of keeping your doors secure. The Nightlock Door Barricade uses the strength of the floor and works with your standard door locks. While a kicked in door may splinter and break a standard lock, the Nightlock Brace is secured at the ground level and prevents splintering. No keys, just one removable piece that slides in and out at your discretion.
To sum up? Don’t forget to protect the first line of defense against intruders in your home, your locks.